For example, he, a woman in Tianyin Palace, not only betrayed Yin Shazong, who had great kindness to him, but also tried to kill the messenger of Gu Yin Shazong. For another example, he did this just to please the woman, and he didn’t care about the interests and life of the monks in South 76 Island. The most important thing is that he swept away a lot of resources with his family and brothers before the Yin Shazong army came to retaliate, and ran away without any resistance. It seems that he had already planned to betray the monks in South 76 Island, and so on.

Cold Wu Xuan has a great dislike for Ning Xiao and Tianyin Palace, especially Ning Xiao, who was so hateful that he had already fled when he knew that the evil spirits would retaliate. This is the most unbearable thing. Thanks to him, he was once the leader of South…

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